COMETAD “Development of computational and experimental techniques for analysis and design of fire retardant polymers”

Improving the fire retardancy of polymeric materials by means of additives without compromising other properties is necessary to expand their use in many industrial applications. Within this framework, the objectives of COMETAD project are the following: i) to understand the physical mechanisms that enhance the fire resistance in polymers containing flame retardant additives, ii) to incorporate these mechanisms into a multiphysics numerical tool. The new tool will be validated against fire test at the laboratory scale and, iii) to design (guided by the new tool) and manufacture the next generation of eco-friendly flame retardant additives.


COMETAD: “Development of computational and experimental techniques for analysis and design of fire retardant polymers”

  • Funding Institution/Programme: National Programme for the promotion of Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research, Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Competitiveness
  • Partners: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) (Project Coordinator) and IMDEA Materials Institute
  • Region: Spain
  • Project period: 2015– 2017
  • Principal Investigator: Dr. De-Yi Wang